All Products >> Telecentric >>55mm Telecentric Lens

Product Details

55mm Telecentric Lens

  • Manual Iris
  • Ideal for Measurement Applications
  • 1.0X - 0.4X Telecentric Range

This C-mount Telecentric lenses yield constant magnification over a range of working distances, virtually eliminating viewing angle error. The 55mm focal length telecentric lens allows ±12.5mm of object movement (at 0.5X magnification) before a 1% error in image scale occurs.

This lens  is ideal in machine vision applications requiring accurate measurement of three-dimensional objects with slight height variations. By eliminating the perspective distortion and magnification error inherent in conventional lenses, it gives dimensionally accurate images that are easily interpreted by software.

C-mount lens with F2.8 F-stop and locking pins on focus and iris.
Optional 2x and 0.75x convertors